lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014



Azkenengo bi urteetan krisialdi sozioekonomikoaren ondorioz, orainarte egoera sozioekonomiko seguruan bizi ziren zenbait pertsona Gurutze Gorrira hurbiltzen ari dira laguntza eske.
Egoera honen aurrean, eta muturreko gizarte-urrakortasun egoeran dauden pertsona gehiago lagundu ahal izateko, Gurutze Gorriak maiatzan txirotasuna areagotu ala, laguntza humanitarioa ugaritzeko deialdia egin zuen. Honela, 'Inoiz baino gehiago' kanpaina martxan jarri dugu.
Gure ohiko gizarte-laguntza, lan-munduan txertatzeko eta lan-merkatuan berdintasuna sustatzeko programak sendotzeaz gain, aparteko larrialdiko oinarrizko zenbait laguntza eskaintzen ari gara. Honako hauek dira:

  • Haurrentzako-kiten banaketa
    • Haurrentzako garbitasun-kitak
    • 0-18 hilabete bitarteko haurrentzako elikagai-kitak
    • Eskolarako material-kitak
  • Garbitasun-kiten banaketa
    • Etxeko garbitasun-kitak
    • Familiako garbitasun-kitak
  • Etxerik gabeko pertsonentzako kiten banaketa
    • Higiene pertsonaleko-kitak (gizon eta emakumezkoak)
    • Dutxa-txartelak
    • Lozakuak
  • Eskola-laguntza
  • Lan bilaketa
    • Orientazioa eta aholkularitzaren bidez langabezian aurkitzen diren pertsonei lan bilaketan lagundu.
    • Langabezian dauden pertsonei gaitasun teknikoak eskaini.
Krisialdiaren aurrean gure erantzuna handitzeko beharrak, erakunde publiko eta pribatuen, bazkideen eta dohaintza-emaileen aldetik ere esfortzu gehigarri bat eskatzen du.

lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014


Globalisation is makin the world smaller; now a days you are able to buy things from where ever you want; for example yo can buy clothes from China, USA, Germany... Another feature of globalisation is that you know news when they happened; thanks to the internet.




Imanol and I have done a work about Israel and palestinian conflict. Would you like to see it? click here


lunes, 6 de enero de 2014



Lemon Tree (Arabic: شجرة ليمون; Hebrew: עץ לימון - Etz Limon) is a 2008 Israeli drama film directed by Eran Riklis and co-directed by his cousin Ira Riklis. It stars Hiam Abbass, Ali Suliman, Danny Leshman, Rona Lipaz-Michael, Tarik Kopty, Amos Lavi, Lana Zreik and Amnon Wolf.The film describes the legal efforts of a Palestinian widow to stop the Israeli Defense Minister, her next door neighbor, from destroying the lemon trees in her family farm. At the same time, she develops a human bond with the minister's wife.It was released in Israel on 27 March 2008,And it received a tepid response from Israeli audiences. It was released internationally through IFC Films on 17 April 2009.From there, the film has achieved critical success and it has received nominations for several awards such as 'Best Actress' and 'Best Screenwriter' at the European Film Awards.

The Israeli Defense Minister Israel Navon (Doron Tavory) moves to a house on the border between Israel and the West Bank, with the building sitting on the Israeli side just next to the dividing line. The Israeli Secret Service views the neighboring lemon grove of Salma Zidane (Hiam Abbass), a Palestinian widow whose family has cared for the area for generations, as a threat to the Minister and his wife. The security forces soon set up a guard post and a barbed wire fence around the grove. They then obtain an order to uproot the lemon trees.
Salma feels isolated given that her son has moved to Washington, D.C. and her daughters are now married. The local village elder Abu Kamal (Makram Khoury) advises her to give in, but Salma decides to work with the young lawyer Ziad Daud (Ali Suliman). They take their case all the way to the Supreme Court. Mira Navon (Rona Lipaz-Michael), the minister's wife, sympathizes with Salma. The court case receives notable media attention, and Mira gives a news interview that her husband regrets. Mira believes that the Israeli military overreacted, and she also shares Salma's sense of personal loneliness. A complex, though not always evident, human bond develops between the two women.As the Palestinian cause is dismissed, Mira moves out, and a concrete wall is built between Salma's land and the Defense Minister's house. A final camera shot reveals the lemon trees to have been cut down.